Tree of the Month

Sycamore Tree

Tree of the Month: Sycamore

Each Month, the Cranford Shade Tree Commission will educate residents about some of the trees that line our streets, here in beautiful Cranford!

The Sycamore Tree, also known as Platanus Occidentalis, is one of the oldest tree species around. Sycamores can grow up to 100 feet tall and its name comes from sukomoras-figmulberry.

This monoecious plant consists of male/female flowers on separate twigs on the same plant. Their seeds are known as “helicopter wings” when they blow off in the wind.

The growth rate of a Sycamore tree is moderate to rapid at approximately 2 feet per year. This is a very good shade tree with a strong root system that strengthens the soil.

The Sycamore symbolizes strength, protection, eternity and divinity.

Sycamore leaves are the largest of any tree in North America with edges like saw teeth and a fuzzy underside and top, which release a fine dust when chipped up during tree pruning. Because of possible exposure to this dust irritant, Sycamore Trees are trimmed during the winter months, when leaves have already fallen off.

Some streets here in town where you can see numerous Sycamores include South Union Avenue (Livingston to Lexington Avenues), Thomas Street, Severin Court, and Adams Avenue (near the sports fields).

A Sycamore’s wood burns very well in a fire when seasoned, usually within a year. It is also used to make musical instruments, butcher blocks and furniture.

Fun Facts about Sycamore Trees:

A Sycamore Tree has been mentioned in the Bible, a few times, including Luke 19:4.

A California Sycamore was once used as a lighthouse, guiding ships to shore, when lanterns were hung high in its branches!