2023 Haunted Cranford History Tour

cranford haunted ghostwalking tour on 10/21 pre registration required
Event Date: 
Saturday, October 21, 2023 - 5:30pm to 8:00pm

Take a stroll outdoors throughout Downtown Cranford! Listen to the stories about the town’s famous and infamous folks who will make a special appearance from the world beyond just for your listening pleasure. Even Cyrus Drake, resident ghost at the Riverside Inn, may make an appearance...

Appropriate for all ages and just creepy enough to have you looking over your shoulder on the way home!

All tours depart from the front lawn of the Cranford Municipal Building (8 Springfield Avenue, Cranford, NJ). This is a WALKING tour, so please arrive in appropriate attire for the hour long tour. Please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled departure time. Find your marked time and line up as you wait for your tour to begin. Tour guides will provide additional details upon arrival, as needed. Stroller children 5 and under are FREE. Pets are not permitted on the tour. No smoking or alcohol consumption is allowed on the tour. This is a walking tour about one mile in length.

Join us…if you dare...

(Rain date 10/22)

No refunds

Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2023-haunted-cranford-history-tour-tickets-662930622337?aff=oddtdtcreator .