From the Desk of the Health Department: Waste Receptacle Ordinance

Dear Residents,

It came to our attention that many residents are leaving their garbage cans at the curb of the street in front of their houses.

According to Township Ordinance 232-3E, for all residential premises, no solid waste or solid waste receptacle may be placed on the street, front sidewalk or between the front sidewalk and curb of the street. Rear yard pickup shall be required. For rear yard pickup, solid waste receptacle(s) may be placed in the driveway or rear yard, but not beyond 10 feet from the closest wall of the dwelling. This subsection shall not apply to the Township permit-based cleanup program or the Township curbside recycling program.

Kindly ensure that you keep the sidewalk and curb in front of residential premises free of obstructions.

Failure to comply may result in legal action. Please contact the Health Department if there are any questions.

The Health Department may be reached at 908-709-7225.